Tuesday, 14 April 2015

台北自助旅行感想 A trip to Taipei



Counting the blessing that I have received during the trip in Taipei. I can say that there are still beautiful people in this world. Don't just being disappointed on humans while looking some bad stuff that they have done, because there are still helpful people spreading kindness to others, even the animals. I believe in the law of attraction, and I believe the most in God. This trip is not about how many places that I have been. It is about the local taiwanese spirit, their story, their feeling and themselves.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

This is not a sock 3

This is not a sock. This is a butterfly. 

Don't look down on yourself. Who knows you may be the one that cause the butterfly effect. Do good and learn. That's what I always tell myself. 
Positive thinking~

This is not a sock. It is a whale.

During my college days, I always watched the animals videos in Youtube with my housemate. It made me excited, sometimes nervous, warm-hearted... some sad stories somehow (If you had watched The Cove, you know what I mean). 
It gives me lots of thinking about life, earth and world (even till now). It is always amazing to observe an animal habitat.

I always believe that life is like the ocean. It includes everything, even you the little fish. However, you should manage your own journey, what you want to see in your life.

Whether good or bad, it depends on your heart, not the life. The most joyful thing in the world is, you still be grateful in the worst condition of your life. And this comes from your faith. Therefore, I believe and I pray, not for removing the stones from my journey, but giving me faith and persistence to overcome them.

Now I have 7 of them. 7, the most magical powerful number, my lucky number. 
I shall draw more. Let my inspiration flow and I will learn how big the world is. 

Life is wonderful and you know.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

This is not a sock 2

This is not a sock. This is a piano!
Life is like a piano. 
There are black and white keys; 
there are up and down. 
It all depends on what you want to play.

This is not a sock. This is a line of footprints.
An idiom from Hokkien, literally "a grass with a drop of dew". It means something like there's a will, there's way. So, don't give up, bring your faith, your smile and His blessing along with you. 

Reminds me of the poem "The Road not Taken" by Robert Frost. 

"...Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. "


This is not a sock. This is a butterfly. 
Don't look down on yourself. 
Who knows you may be the one that cause the butterfly effect. 
Start thinking positive by today. 
Read the book the Secret by Rhonda Bryne and you will know.
Keep praying. Think good, do good and learn. That's what I always tell myself.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

"This is not a Sock" project

It has been such a long time that I post nothing on my blog. 
Try not to spend too much time online but yup, I need some refreshment though, some sparks to create even just a little create juice.

So, I start up a doodle project, continue from my self-identity project "This is not a sock".
Click on the link below to my behance, if you want to know more about the project. Basically, it  shows the change of the object/matter original content into my own context, my interpretation. 

Behance link to "This is not a sock" project:

It has been 3 days that I have started to draw and post on Facebook (more convenient though). I will do it whenever I have time so that I can reach my target of 99. 
Maybe I should think of getting a personal website... (many people and friends told me that... better for posting artwork. Maybe after my trip in April?)

1st, Shrimp:

2nd, Brinjal:

3rd, Seed:

Guess what's the next?